Constant changing

Please note: I am no longer updating this blog, but all of the posts and comments have been copied over to my new online home at

Essentially, this is a blog, and the thing about blogs is that once an article is written it generally stays the same, but…

This isn’t just a blog, it’s a record of a learning journey, and as I learn more and more I will go back and update articles that I had written before with what I now know.

It’s highly unlikely that any of my opinions on things will change significantly, and I will take care not to change anything that will affect comments that people have made on my posts.

Some people might not like the concept of changing old blog posts, but tough – it’s my blog and I’ll do what I want with it. Apart from being my caprice it also means that this site(blog) will become the best source of info that it can be, as well as being an outlet for my opinions.

Apart from all of that, there is the fact that I normally write posts on here in a hurry, which leaves them full of typos and other cockups. When I have time later in the day, I normally reread them and go in and fix most of these.

UPDATE: Images are being removed from the blog posts that did have them. When I started this I felt that every post should have a photo to accompany it, but I do not have a high quality camera and have been using either my own poor shots, or stock images. There seems little point. Images may or may not return at some point in the future.

UPDATE: This blog will be moving at some point in the nearish future to a new home outside of There are a number of changes that I would like to make to the way that this site looks and works, and I just don’t have the flexibility here.

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